MSR Reactor 2.5L Stove System


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SKU: msr-reactor-2-5l-stove-system-23msrurctrstvsystcac Category:

MSR Reactor 2.5L Stove System

  • Brand: MSR

Design and Details

– Boils 1 liter of water in just 3 minutes-with an even greater advantage in challenging conditions
– Patent-pending radiant burner and heat exchanger make the Reactor efficient so you carry less fuel
– Radiant burner head is enclosed by heat exchanger for total protection in even the windiest conditions
– State-of-the-art stove and high-efficiency pot are combined into one compact, easy-to-use system
– Internal regulator equalizes fuel pressure for optimal performance in all conditions and at all fuel levels
– Compact: All systems are self-contained, fitting the stove and fuel inside the pot
– Burn less fuel, carry less fuel, and move faster than with any other stove available

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